Circular bags are the least costly bag to produce, as the body of the bag is made exclusively by machines. Essentially, they start with a tube and then sew on the type of bottom and top. These are durable bags, as they have fewer seams where issues can arise.
This design is like the four-panel bag allowing it to keep its square shape while having less stitching. The less stitching you have on a bag, the less chance of a failure while loading and shipping the product. Therefore, this FIBC bag design will fall in between circular and four-panel bags regarding durability and maintaining more of a square shape.
This bag is made using four separate panels which are then sewn together. This type of bag is going to maintain a better square shape vs. a circular bag. However, it will not support as much weight as a circular bag due to the additional sewn-in seams.
Baffle Bags
This type of FIBC bulk bag has baffles down the corners of the bag to allow material to flow into the baffles while loading. The bag only works with dry products which are small and flowable, as they must be able to load into the baffles without getting impeded. Plastic resin pellets, corn, soybeans, and rice are good examples of products that do well in these bags. The benefit of a baffled bag is that it will remain very square and allows solid stacking ability.
Vented Bags
This bag has special material which allows the bag to breathe and is good for food items such as potatoes, or other vegetables which may be prone to mold while transporting.
Dewatering bags
For special draining circumstances